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Civics Corps

The Civics Corps hosts intergenerational conversations and helps community organizations meet their civic missions.  Through service, students practice and build professional/life skills centered on learning and service. The Civics Corps is non-partisan and does not affiliate with or support political parties or candidates. Through their work, participants in the Civics Corps commit to supporting civility and civic well-being by maturely role-modeling and practicing: respectful and positive interactions between individuals and groups, growth mindsets, problem-solving and dialogue skills, consensus decision making, and professionalism.  For more information, email club advisor Dr. June Klees.


Cover art of The hype machine : how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health--and how we must adapt by Sinan Aral
Cover art of Don't label me : how to do diversity without inflaming the culture wars by Irshad Manji
Cover art of Seeing the unseen : beyond prejudices, paradigms, and party lines by Mark M Beckwith
Cover art of The parties versus the people : how to turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans by Mickey Edwards
Cover art of The politics industry : how political innovation can break partisan gridlock and save our democracy by Katherine M Gehl and Michael E Porter 1947
Cover art of Breaking the two-party doom loop : the case for multiparty democracy in America by Lee Drutman
Cover art of Beyond your bubble : how to connect across the political divide, skills and strategies for conversations that work by Tania Israel
Cover art of The way out : how to overcome toxic polarization by Peter T Coleman
Cover art of American schism : how the two Enlightenments hold the secret to healing our nation by Seth David Radwell
Cover art of Breaking the social media prism : how to make our platforms less polarizing by Christopher Bail

These books are available for checkout from the Bay College Library. Click on the image to view the library's catalog.