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Bay College Library Archives

A unique look into the history of Bay College.

Dawn of a New Era: 1970s

With the Science-Technical Center becoming the first building built in 1969, the 1970s brought major construction to the developing campus of Bay College. The Catherine  Bonifas in 1970, Automotive (now the Maintenance Building) and the Gymnasium/YMCA in 1971, Campus Center (now Student Center) in 1972, Student Apartments in 1973, Diesel/Heavy Equipment (now Welding & Shipping and Receving) in 1974 and the Practical & Fine Arts (Health & Applied Technology Center) in 1976.

Dr. Reinhart left Bay College in 1971 and Edwin "Tony" Wuehle became the 2nd president of Bay College.

Campus activities have always played an integral part in the Bay College history. Throughout the 70s, the Bay College Norsemen basketball team played colleges all over Northern Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Michigan.

By the end of the decade, there were four degress, five certificates and over 80 courses in place with 26 part-time and 37 full-time faculty. Bay College had orgainzed into six divisions: Arts & Letters, Business, Math-Science, Nursing, Social Sciences (later Behavioral & Social Sciences) and Technical.

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