Evolution and Diversity
This course surveys the diversity of life with an emphasis on evolutionary theory, ecology, patterns of inheritance, and population genetics. It is intended for all students with a strong interest in the life sciences. It is recommended for students planning to transfer to a four year institution and major or minor in a life science, engineering, social science, computer science, or any physical science. Prerequisite: E, M, R. Students will benefit from having had at least two years of natural science in high school (including biology and chemistry). This course and its companion, BIOL-112, can be taken in any order. It is recommended that students have a minimum ACT science score of 20. Offered Fall semester.BIOL-107 should be taken concurrently with BIOL-108, Environmental Science Lab. Prerequisite: E, M, R. Students will benefit from having had at least one year of natural science in high school or BIOL-090. Offered each semester.